How Long After Lipo Can I Get Lymphatic Massage?

Rosa M Saidel LMT CDT-c MLD-c • Oct 23, 2023

Liposuction surgery is a popular cosmetic procedure that helps to reshape and contour the body by removing excess fat deposits. However, the recovery process after liposuction can be challenging. One of the most common questions asked by patients is, "How long after lipo can I get lymphatic massage?" This blog post aims to answer this question and provide valuable insights into the role of Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) after liposuction.

Understanding MLD After Liposuction

Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) is a gentle massage technique that encourages the movement of lymph fluids around the body. It's often recommended after liposuction to reduce swelling and speed up recovery. However, it's crucial to understand that MLD must be gentle on tissue and involve light skin stretching to avoid damage to capillaries.

The Four Stages of Healing

After liposuction surgery, your body goes through four stages of healing: hemostasis, inflammation, proliferation, and maturation. During these stages, your body needs time to heal and regenerate new cells. Therefore, it's essential not to rush into getting a lymphatic massage immediately after surgery.

When Can You Start MLD?

The day after surgery you can start lymphatic drainage if your doctor gives you the green light. However, it's important not to do anything aggressive to the tissue during this period as your body is still in its initial healing phase. The first few sessions should be very gentle and focus on reducing swelling rather than reshaping.

A properly trained licensed professional or a lymphedema specialist should perform these early sessions as they understand how much pressure is safe at each stage of healing.

A Month To Heal: The Ideal Time for MLD

After about a month post-surgery, your body has had enough time for initial healing. This period allows lymphatic capillaries to heal and is generally considered the ideal time to start more intensive MLD sessions. However, it's still crucial to remember that the massage should feel relaxing and should never be painful.

Lymphatic Drainage Massage: A Continuous Healing Journey

Lymphatic drainage massage can be done for the full length of your healing journey. It's not a one-time procedure but a continuous process that aids in your recovery. The frequency of your MLD sessions will depend on your individual healing progress and the advice of your healthcare provider.

Massage As Much As You Can

While it's important to start MLD as soon as possible (ASAP) after liposuction, it's equally important to continue with regular sessions throughout your recovery. Regular MLD can help reduce swelling, improve skin elasticity, and speed up the overall healing process.

However, always remember that while you should massage as much as you can, every session must be gentle on tissue to avoid causing any damage or discomfort.

Choosing The Right Professional

The success of MLD after liposuction largely depends on the expertise of the professional performing it. Always ensure that you choose a properly trained licensed professional or a lymphedema specialist who understands the intricacies of post-liposuction care.


In conclusion, while you can start lymphatic drainage the day after surgery with doctor approval, it's generally best to wait until about a month post-surgery for more intensive sessions. Remember that MLD should always be gentle on tissue and never cause pain. With proper care and regular MLD sessions performed by an experienced professional, you can significantly enhance your recovery process after liposuction surgery.

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